Sunday, July 31, 2016

Overall totals for READ 100 program...participating children experienced over 3,075 interactions with text during the month of July! Woo-Hoo! B&G Club Staff members credit the program to increased reading motivation. Every participating child chose two books to take home at the end of the program.
Seven students read well over 100 books in July! They were treated to gifts bags of summer toys. Our top reader received a Kindle Fire and gift card to download books, courtesy of the reading council and Boys & Girls Clubs! Congratulations!

READ  - Week 4
For the final week of our reading challenge, 12 students went bowling!

Sunday, July 24, 2016


Online registration for membership begins August 1st via the website. Cost is $30. Choose SWRC in the drop-down box for your region. Registration ensures free admission for the SWRC fall conference. 

Next Meeting

SWRC will meet again on August 29, 2016. The meeting will be held at Cracker Barrel, exit 7 in Bristol, at 5:00 PM. The fall reading conference will be discussed. Hope to see you there!

READ 100 - Week 3

Week three's reading reward was a trip to the pool. This time, 31 kids went swimming!

READ 100 - Week 2

For reading an additional 25 books during week two, 37 kiddos were rewarded with a pizza and ice cream sundae party.

READ 100 - Week 1

READ 100 kids earn a trip to the movies! A total of 43 kids from schools in Bristol, Virginia and Washington, County read or listened to 25 books during week one!

READ 100 Program

SWRC, Bristol Virginia Public Schools, and Boys & Girls Club of the Mountain Empire have teamed up for READ 100. This partnership encourages children attending the Bristol location Boys & Girls Club to READ 100 books during the month of July. Bristol Virginia Public Schools furnished over $1,000 worth of new books to the club. Members of the SWRC, faculty from Bristol Virginia Public Schools, and Boys & Girls Club staff members read to and with children during this program. Children may read to others, be read to, or read with someone as part of their goal. Each weekly goal of 25 books is rewarded with field trips and other incentives. We're proud to promote summer reading!