Thursday, October 11, 2012

Register NOW for the Fall Reading Conference!

The Annual Fall Reading Conference will be held on November 3, 2012 at the Higher Ed Center in Abingdon, VA.  Registration will begin at 8:00 AM. Our featured speaker will be Thomas Santangelo from the Department of Education. He will be speaking about the revised English SOLs and new English and Writing assessments. Laura Lester will also be speaking.  We will have several breakout sessions including Word Study - Kathy Stewart and Carole Greer; Leveled Readers - Karen Bartin and Tabitha Martin, Children's Author - Sharon Griffith (Granny Gathers). Refreshments will be served and there will be Door Prizes!!
We hope you will take time to register now!

Your registration is also your VSRA membership.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Fall Reading Conference 2012

The Annual Fall Reading Conference will be held on November 3, 2012 at the Higher Ed Center in Abingdon, VA.  Registration will begin at 8:00 AM. Featured speaker will be Thomas Santangelo from the Department of Education. He will be speaking about the revised English SOLs and new assessment.  We will be offering several breakout sessions, refreshments, and door prizes!

To REGISTER for the Conference and join VSRA, follow these instructions.

1.  Go to VSRA website:

2.  Click on Membership Tab.

3.  Click on Become a Member and complete the membership form. 
4. You can pay by check, PayPal or Credit Cardusing the on-line system. Checks should be made to VSRA as per instructions on completed membership form.
5. You MUST click on the SUBMIT button (scroll down to bottom of page) in order for information to be recorded in the VSRA database.

If you are unable to register online, please use the Membership Form.